
Tuesday 14 August 2012

What colour is your home?

25 Ramadhan 1433H

One of the things to be considered for a new home is the colours of interior/exterior paintings.

I did some search on the internet to get some info about this as I have once heard of the effect of colours on our mood or the psychological effect of colours.

Though I am not a firm believer of this, I do find some of the info interesting. In any case, different people tend to like different colours. So, I guess it is somehow associated with some kind of psychological preference.

Our little house is made up of areas just like any other houses, with living room, dining area, kitchen and bedrooms... but thinking of colours to be applied to these areas to make the house more welcoming is really quite something...

There are a number of studies done on the effect of colours on our mood and some even suggested colours for the areas in a house, like this one:

Living room and foyer. Warm tones like reds, yellows, and oranges, and earth tones like brown and beige often work well in both the living room and foyer, because they're thought to stimulate conversation. 

Kitchen. Reds and yellows can be great colors in the kitchen as well as in the living room and foyer. But watch out if you're watching your weight: in addition to stimulating conversation, red may prompt you to eat more, if only subtly. If you're on a diet, you might want to keep red out of the kitchen .

Dining room. Because it's stimulating, red decor can be great for a formal dining room. In addition to encouraging conversation, it whets the appetites of your guests. 

Bedroom. The bedroom is where you go to relax and reconnect with your partner.  Cool colors -- blues, greens and lavenders -- can be great choices here, because they are thought to have a calming effect. 

Bathroom. Whites and warm colors have always been popular choices for bathrooms, in large part because they connote cleanliness and purity. 

Workout room. Yellow-greens and blue-greens may be the best choices because, in terms of color psychology, they're "happier."

Home office. Green can be a great choice for a home office. Green is the color of concentration,. It's one of the best colors to be surrounded by for long periods of time.


Color Psychology: How to Make Your Home Feel Good

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